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Mayor linda d Thompson says no bankruptcy at this point

Staff Writer


.dmvblogspot.bloggieblog.com .

There was more discussion of bankruptcy as a solution to the region's financial problems this week. Mayor, what is your opinion on that subject right now?

"As I've said from the beginning of this process, we don't want to go near bankruptcy at this point. City Council and others are keeping the subject alive and on the table, and that's fine in terms of protecting overall negotiating leverage.

"But we can't get there in reality. We can't get a court to take that option seriously until we've exhausted all possible remedies, and that exhaustion is far down the road at this juncture. Could we move faster? Sure we can. We could move faster to engage the Lancaster Authority offer while we pursue other options.

"I recognize all parties want to resolve this entire, very complex problem in each's best interest. That means everybody -- each and every stakeholder -- will have to step up and recognize their fair share of pain, and that sharing will have to be equitable.

"Everybody can point a finger at somebody else-- that's the politics of the problem-- but that's not going to solve the problem. That won't even get you any sympathy or votes with the public. The public wants leadership on the issue. They want transparent leadership.

"So no, we're not going to get wild and crazy and jump to bankruptcy right away as some suggest; however, some stakeholders claim that option is ultimately the only option. I don't agree with them, I don't think bankruptcy will likely happen -- but it might -- and they're certainly entitled to their opinion. We have to see how affective the Act 47 process is first."