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Honoring Mumia Abu Jamal's Birthday

Staff Writer


.dmvblogspot.bloggieblog.com .

April 23rd, at 7:30pm, the "Questioning Incarceration Coalition" would like to invite everyone to join us for a cultural event, with art, music, and poetry, that will focus on solidarity between US Political Prisoners, and War Resistors.

Names on the list to also be honored

Marshall Eddie Conway

Maroon Shoatz

David Gilbert

Mumia Abu Jamal

Safiya Bukhari

Lynne Stewart

Women of the MOVE 9

Special Guests: Pam Africa from the ICFFMAJ and the MOVE organization, and Russell Maroon Shoatz III, speaking about his father, Political Prisoner Russell Maroon Shoatz Also, Performances by Kevin Price, Bohiti, I Abdul Jon, Joseph Xavier Mack